Number of on-chain transactions for ANON in the last 24h.
Buying addresses : 0
Selling addresses : 0
Comparison of fund inflow vs outflow for ANON, identifying the market momentum.
Inflow :
Outflow :
Type of players driving the momentum in ANON: Whales, dolphins or fish.
Buy : $0
Sell : $0
$0 Buy
$0 Sell
Crypto War.V Crypto War.V is a tower defense game, in this cypherpunk interactive novel, you will play the role of a cybersecurity expert to fight against hackers and other blockchain threats. Combine squad customization, base/tower building and simulation. Defend the blockchain! The fundamental concept of gaming is undergoing rapid evolution - from a money-sucking hobby to a real source of income. With the debut of Crypto War.V, it entered the fray as one of the few innovative platforms promoting the new concept of competitive monetization, giving gamers around the world a new way to view high-end gaming as a lucrative and revenue-generating activity Way.