Number of on-chain transactions for GRIMACE in the last 24h.
Buying addresses : 0
Selling addresses : 0
Comparison of fund inflow vs outflow for GRIMACE, identifying the market momentum.
Inflow :
Outflow :
Type of players driving the momentum in GRIMACE: Whales, dolphins or fish.
Buy : $0
Sell : $0
$0 Buy
$0 Sell
$GrimaceCoin is like a clown, laughing at the whole world. The real takeaway from GrimaceCoin is that not everyone can or should take the network as lightly as the co-founder of $Dogecoin Markus, who was just a random dude before creating his meme coin, not a 1900 with 4.4 million Twitter followers billion dollar multinational hamburger maker. $GrimaceCoin will bring the most innovative NFT and P2E games to the world.