Number of on-chain transactions for AVAX in the last 24h.
Buying addresses :
Selling addresses :
Comparison of fund inflow vs outflow for AVAX, identifying the market momentum.
Inflow :
Outflow :
Type of players driving the momentum in AVAX: Whales, dolphins or fish.
Buy :
Sell :
Avalanche was co-founded by Cornell University professor, IC3 co-founder Emin Gün Sirer, computer scholar Kevin Sekniqi, and Facebook Libra protocol HotStuff consensus first author Ted Yin. The AVA blockchain platform developed by Avalanche is a digital payment and computing platform built by Avalanche, a revolutionary consensus algorithm. This consensus enables distributed ledgers to achieve a high degree of decentralization, high concurrent processing and rapid confirmation of transactions, while achieving historical record reduction and on-chain governance. The core of the AVA blockchain platform is a unified and interoperable infrastructure that enables anyone to build a blockchain network or issue assets on the blockchain according to their needs in the AVA ecosystem.