Access Skiff through Bitget Wallet App to get a customized E-mail address with Bitget Wallet domain name


We are happy to announce that Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) has reached a partnership with Skiff.

Skiff offers Skiff Mail, a service featuring open-source code, end-to-end encryption, data privacy protection, etc., allowing users to use Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) account to log in, send and receive emails. ENS addresses are also supported. In order to lower the threshold and facilitate usage, Skiff supports the registration and storage mode of Web2 and Web3 at the same time, and enables one-click migration of Google Drive files.

If you sign up for Skiff with your Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) wallet, you automatically get an Ethereum E-mail address with the suffix You can use this address to send and receive encrypted emails to protect your privacy.

If you’re an authentic crypto enthusiast, welcome to join Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) Knights and build the Web3.0 world with Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep)!

Access Skiff through Bitget Wallet App to get a customized E-mail address with Bitget Wallet domain name image 0

How to apply for a custom E-mail address with a Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) domain name

Download Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) V 7.2.6
Chinese Mainland:
Other regions:

1) Launch Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) and go to DApp section, select Skiff, then ETH, and enter the DApp;

Access Skiff through Bitget Wallet App to get a customized E-mail address with Bitget Wallet domain name image 1

2) “Sign up” and set up your account, then set your password and confirm;

Access Skiff through Bitget Wallet App to get a customized E-mail address with Bitget Wallet domain name image 2

3) Add a recovery email, tap “Save”. Select “Mail” > “Get Started”, and you’re in the E-mail interface where you can send and receive encrypted emails;

Access Skiff through Bitget Wallet App to get a customized E-mail address with Bitget Wallet domain name image 3

4) In the E-mail interface, tap the Settings icon, select “Wallet aliases” > “Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep)” and tap “Confirm”;

Access Skiff through Bitget Wallet App to get a customized E-mail address with Bitget Wallet domain name image 4

5) Go back to the home page, tap the Edit icon, tap “From” to select the E-mail address with Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) domain.

Access Skiff through Bitget Wallet App to get a customized E-mail address with Bitget Wallet domain name image 5

About Skiff

Skiff is a fully end-to-end encrypted and decentralized collaboration platform. Whether you are working alone or with your team, you can create: documents, notes, wikis, and more. Skiff has a lot of other cool features like: comments, markdown support, tables, file storage and embeds. Skiff builds in privacy from the ground up but we also have everything you want and expect in a collaboration platform.

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