Bitget Wallet Weekly Report|6.Feb - 10.Feb

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Recently, numerous projects related to ChatGPT are taking the tech world by storm, with industry hotspots primarily focused on two major sectors: ChatGPT and other AI tools. Notably, $VAI and $ALI saw increments of 23.6% and 25% on the same day respectively, while $BDP, which was shared this Monday, grew by an astounding 215% in just a week.

We will briefly introduce the background behind these assets, before highlighting and comparing their price advantages and potential based on the data and conclusions derived by our research institute.

All the items in this article can be traded in the Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) wallet. Bitget Wallet (Previously BitKeep) carefully selects certain premium assets and NFT projects for you every week based on our research data, and shares them with users to help you catch up with the latest information in a saturated market and expediently take advantage of market trends.

?All information in this article should not be construed as trading advice and is for educational purposes only. Please make judgments based on your own circumstances and research. ?

ChatGPT+AI Concept Coin

Big Data Protocol ($BDP)

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$BDP is a platform for sharing commercial data and services. It sources commercial data from professional data providers, tokenises it and makes it liquid on Uniswap.

The latest price of $BDP is $0.414454, an increase of 157.14% in the last week. Next, Big Data Protocol also plans to issue data tokens named bBETA and bGAMMA. Big Data Protocol also plans to launch the BDP data market in April with the support of Ocean Protocol. The fees generated by publishing, trading and consuming data tokens in this market are owned by data providers and BDP holders, and a certain percentage will be distributed to the Ocean community. At the same time, the BDP data market will also be integrated in Ocean Protocol, and BDP data tokens will be cross-listed on Ocean Protocol and Ethereum.

RSS3 ($RSS3)

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In the recent market, AI concepts such as ChatGPT have seen drastic inflows in funds. For instance, the value of RSS3 soared by 40% following the announcement of Hootdotit, a new language-based AI similar to chatGPT.

RSS3 is a decentralized social and content protocol. Through built-in business, recommendation, and storage mechanisms, it returns data including relationships, content, and portraits to users, which is then used to replace traditional Web2 application ecosystems with centralized distribution as its core.The latest round of financing for RSS3 was led by CoinShares Ventures, together with other institutions such as Coinbase Ventures, Dragonfly Capital, Mask Network, HashKey Group, Arweave, and more.

According to the team's disclosure, the current RSS3 front-end node is still unstable, so it has not yet been open sourced.

Alethea AI Coin ($ALI)

Fundamental to the decentralized operations of the iNFT Protocol is its native ERC-20 Artificial Liquid Intelligence (ALI) Token.

Alethea AI has developed the artificial intelligence CharacterGPT, which has received notable funding as well. Users only need to provide natural language descriptions to quickly generate interactive characters with different appearances, voices, personalities and identities.

The Graph($GRT)

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GRT is truly an impressive AI concept token. The Graph is an indexing and querying layer of Web3, which can simply be understood as a decentralized blockchain indexing protocol. Developers can build and publish open APIs, called subgraphs, that applications can query using GraphQL. The Graph currently supports data indexes for 39 different networks, and is adopted by mainstream applications such as Uniswap, Synthetix, Art Blocks, Gnosis, Balancer, and Decentraland.

As the native token of The Graph, the most primary draw factor of GRT is The Graph. Its development heralds the entry of entire blockchain data into the indexing and querying stage. GRT is supported by leading exchanges, such as Coinbase Pro, OKEx and Binance, etc. The development of DeFi and DAPP this year has also become an important reason why there has been increasing optimism towards GRT.

The Graph can be regarded as a long-term attention project. There is room for a rise of GRT, and the future is still promising. Don't miss it.


Woof Work ($WOOF)

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Woof Work (WOOF) is a free marketplace for crypto payments. The latest price of WOOF is $0.002617, and it holds a 24-hour trading volume of $14,715,498 - an increase of 103.44% from the previous week. WOOF Coin is a new Dogecoin backed by a DAO of active enthusiasts. As a project built on the Solana ecosystem, WOOF provides liquidity for the Solana public chain. According to the official disclosure, $WOOF will launch Doghouse staking rewards and launch the Shibarium mainnet (Layer 2) to access more tokens for payment.

The DAO community model is growing rapidly, and if the WOOF DAO community continues to grow, it will surely attract new crypto enthusiasts from all over the world.As long as WOOF DAO remains strong, it would be wise to believe that WOOF can reach new and amazing heights.



Botto is a decentralized autonomous AI artist controlled by native governance Token BOTTO holders. Holders of $BOTTO can obtain non-transferable voting rights (VP) by staking $BOTTO. The work with the most votes will be auctioned as an NFT on SuperRare, and the proceeds will be used to repurchase and burn BOTTO. To date, Botto is one of the highest-paid artists on the market with total sales of over $2 million.

Currently BOTTO's cash pool on-chain is 2.8 million US dollars and the 24 turnover has reached 4 million US dollars. The market sentiment is quite good, given that it has benefited from the expectation of Blur's ICO, which led to a rapid surge. As NFT continues to evolve, NFT artwork is not a short-term trend and will not disappear in the blink of an eye due to AI's capacity to create unlimited new works.


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JPEG'd aims to enable holders of NFTs to utilize their NFTs as collateral. JPEG is a valueless governance token that has no economic value. Its sole purpose is a utility token to govern the protocol. Holders of JPEG can create or vote on governance proposals that shape and oversee the protocol.

The volume of transactions is heavy, and the 24h transaction volume of the entire network is as high as 6M on DEX, and the project is on the rise.The latest proposal empowers Token (lock $JEPG, which can increase the LTV limit of CryptoPunks and BAYC by 25%)

Altered State Token($ASTO)

As an NFT project with both a novel concept and gameplay, Alethea AI proposes the concept of iNFT, a technology combining artificial intelligence and blockchain. After incorporating AI, NFTs have seen greate leaps in the realms of interactivity, generativeness, scalability and uniqueness. The ASM concept proposed by Alethea AI is a platform and protocol when it is used in games to realize the freedom, tradability, composability and interoperability of intelligent AI agents in any game world, game or universe.

The Altered State Machine platform is powered by the $ASTO Token. This token is used to govern the Altered State DAO, and to drive the economy. Its uses include creating (minting) new Agents, training Agents, inter-Agent transactions, liquidity mining, play-and-earn and more.

The project has issued three NFT projects, each with nearly 10K NFTs that hold a floor price of a staggering 6ETH. The NFTs boast a novel and unique style, and will likely galvanise even greater market traction when the project game is officially launched.


Regardless of whether it is a piece of native AI blockchain infrastructure or an application-specific AI engine for encryption projects, the technology is still at a nascent stage. Comprehensive AI integration into web3 may still be a while away at present. Nevertheless, we can still expect to observe more related Web3 infrastructure and Arbitrum models emerging soon.

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